Saturday, March 31, 2007

Make Your Heart Soar

The Stanford Research Institute as well as The Harvard Research Center has discovered that 15% of a person's success in life is determined by knowledge compared to 85% being determined by attitude. It's not an overstatement to suggest that your attitude is more important than your aptitude!.

Enthusiasm is to be found where those most important things you value reside. These are the things that light you up. It is easy to know what lights you up because you know the feeling, no matter how fleeting. Just before the rational mind starts convincing you that you are mistaken, your heart soars for a moment. Your eyes light up and you hear that "Yes!!!" from deep inside. This is the seat of enthusiasm. Grab it, examine it and, above all, do more of whatever it is that creates it!

The power of enthusiasm can get you through many problems, ill-health, and disappointing experiences. It increases your physical vitality and helps you to keep going even when you think you don't have any more strength. It adds importance to everything that you do.

Enthusiasm can have a profound effect on the physical body as well. The pitch of your voice, your heart rate, even your posture, not to mention your energy level changes when you are filled with enthusiasm. In addition, people around you can detect it and will be affected too, because enthusiasm is contagious. An enthusiastic person is just more enjoyable to be around. When you are pleasant, upbeat, excited, or express a passionate behavior, others are infected. It is stimulating and attracts others to you; which will change your personal and professional life, for the better!

Keep in mind that enthusiasm is not the same thing as just being excited. You can get excited about your new car. However, you would be enthusiastic about all the things that happened, the actions you took to get that shiny new delite in your driveway. This includes knowing you were ready to get a better and newer car and you made a commitment to get it, now. Then you used your time and energy to investigate various models and ultimately decided which one is had your name stamped on it. The test drive cemented your decision, so you took the leap and signed your "john hancock" to all those forms.

Every new invention and creation is due to enthusiasm on the part of the inventor or creator. What you did to create this car is wear the enthusiasm lies! You are the creator of your shiny new car!

Getting enthusiasm is a little like learning to breathe: Nobody can tell you exactly how to do it, but without it you know something is missing in your life. No one but you can discover that compelling purpose or exciting adventure that ignites enthusiasm inside you. You can however learn a great deal from others about how to use it to it's maximum advantage.

Age, experience and traumatic events can sometimes take the edge off your enthusiasm, your thrill of life. So, how can you get it back? Think back to a time in your past when you were very enthusiastic about something, try to remember how it made you feel, how excited you were at the mere thought of it. Try to regain the passion and desire you felt back then. Remind yourself why it was thrilling to you. Remember though everyone changes, and so does your enthusiasm for different things. So what "tooted your horn" yesterday may be something you pass by today!

According to the dictionary, enthusiasm means 1. great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. 2. a source or cause of great excitement or interest. 3. ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god. The word actually comes from the Greek 'entheos' meaning "the God within."

Let's see how you can get a bit of the action, by using the immense power of Enthusiasm.

* Enthusiasm grows when you focus on solutions and opportunities, not problems and circumstances.

* Always spend your time with positive, enthusiastic people!

Enthusiasm produces success. So mix with and learn from those people you regard as dynamic, electric, and have achieved a bountiful life.

SIDE NOTE: Don't waste your time and energies on naysayers who are always putting you down. And, you don't have to let yourself bleed for the sake of people who drain you (without giving anything in return).

* Forget about yesterday.

Be enthusiastic about the now, for that is all that really matters.

* Find your balance.

Eat good food, maintain positive energy vibrations, listen to music you enjoy, spend time in nature. Take care of yourself!

* Make love happen .

Be the love that you are looking for. Love, and you will be loved!

* One of the best ways to receive more of what you want, is to be sincerely grateful for what you have already.

So for today, no matter what the rational mind says look on the bright side of life. Look and listen for the places, events, ideas, people and activities that make your heart shout that loud "Yes"! And, spend some time deciding how to bring more of those things into your life. YOU DESERVE IT!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Positive Attitude – Keep In The Sunlight

"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."

- Benjamin Franklin

"Don't borrow trouble!" My sister, Crystal, used to tell me this all the time. I'd call her, crying and what if-ing over something that hadn't even happened yet.

"Don't borrow trouble, Hope," she'd say.

'Yeah, right,' I'd think to myself.

Ask anyone, and they'll tell you that I'm the worlds worst at worrying over things that almost always never happen. And where does that get me? The same place it always gets you, if you're just like me. Nowhere.

See, the real problem with worrying about things that may, or may not happen, is that you waste a lot of time. All the time spent fretting over the future could be well-spent applied elsewhere.

Keep in the sunlight. That's how Benjamin Franklin aptly put it. And I agree with him.

When you stand in the sunlight, troubles seem much smaller. It's hard to worry and be troubled over what might never happen when you have a positive attitude.

Every single day we will likely be met with some kind of trial. These tests are sent our way to prove our strength, agility and character. Without them, we can never evolve or grow into better persons. Instead, we'd stay stuck in the same, boring mind set and live monotonous lives (full of endless worry!).

What does "keep in the sunlight" mean? Simply put, stay positive. No matter what happens, no matter how bad things seem, don't worry about things that are out of your control or haven't even happened yet. Stay positive.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

True Friendship

Webster's dictionary defines friendship as a relationship where one knows, likes, admires and trusts another or where one is allied with another in a cause, or where one is a supporter of a group or a movement. I define friendship as a relationship between two people based on mutual respect, affection and admiration.

We can experience true friendship with people we know well and are close to for many years, or with people whose lives cross ours only briefly. True friendship is a way of relating to another human being.

There are times when friendship is not positive, when it is judgmental, shallow and dominating. Many years ago there was a classic movie, "Marty" which illustrates a shallow, judgmental relationship mistaken for true friendship. Marty is a 34 year old lonely bachelor who doesn't make it with women. He describes himself as short, stocky and ugly, but a nice guy. He happens to meet a lonely, plain, nice woman named Clara at a pub, who is much like him. He experiences a wonderful evening filled with laughter, talking, friendship and a possible budding romance. When Marty returns to his friends, they find fault with her saying to Marty, "What a dog she is. Uglee! You didn't even get a kiss out of her. Why waste time with a dog like that." His friends influence him to go out with them instead of calling Clara which he really wants to do. Marty turns his back on Clara and the hope she represents, in order to keep the approval of his friends.

But what kind of friends are they? They are blind to Marty's feelings. They are concerned only with their own pursuits. These so called friends are judgmental, demanding amd shallow.
There are times when we are confused about friendships. Why do we have this confusions about real friends? Perhaps we experience this confusion because we fear taking risks, facing rejection or being alone. How then do we develop real friendships? How do we make the kind of friend who is a comrade who shares the good and the bad times, to whom we can bare our hearts? What does it take to be a good friend?

To be a good friend, to make real friendships, we need to take specific actions and make them a regular part of our daily lives.
A true friend listens well, attentively and lets the other person know his/her willingness to try and understand him/her. The process of listening requires sensitivity and insight, to see beyond the words spoken and uncover hidden feelings.
Being a true friend requires honesty, which at times, means giving and accepting criticism. However, we must be careful not to criticize harshly or embarrass a friend in public.
Being a true friend requires us to admit to mistakes and say, "I was wrong, forgive me."
Being a true friend requires us to be there for another sharing not only the happy and successful moments but the moments of pain and tears.
Being a true friend means realizing that there may be times to step back and keep silent -- just to be there without intruding.
Ralph Waldo Emersoin offered the best advice about true friendship: "The only way to have a friend is to be one."

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happiness Affirmation - My Challenge to You

When everything is all boiled down to the lowest common denominator, the one thing that each and every human being is desperately searching for and craving is all the same. We all crave happiness.

That is not to say that each person doesn't engage in different strategies to reach that state and, sadly, many of those are false. Some misguided souls think that taking mind altering substances is a path to happiness. That is false but they don't know that so they try it. Many become addicts and die. They never achieve happiness. Others decide that they need to rob banks and cheat and lie and steal to get what they want. Again, this method is false. You cannot hurt other people and achieve true happiness. The universe catches up with those people and again they are penalized for their actions. They never achieve happiness either.

So, how do we achieve this seemingly elusive state of happiness?

The answer is deceptively simple. In fact, it is so simple that most people completely overlook it. It is so simple that, even when told, many people will reject it.

So, what is the answer to happiness?

The answer to happiness is to think happy and seek happiness. Anything else simply doesn't work. Think about it!

I am now going to give you an affirmation for happiness and I will guarantee one thing to you - IF you use it. My guarantee is that IF you use my happiness affirmation every day for at least 30 days consecutively that you will wake up in the morning with a smile on your face. You will wake up HAPPY!

Without further ado, here it is:


"A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me. I am choosing to be happy every day no matter what circumstances I find myself in. I awaken each day with a smile on my face because I know I will be at my best when I am happy. Other people see my happiness as a sign of great strength. I smile and greet people with genuine enthusiasm. My own happiness leaves everyone I meet in a happier state. Being happy is a wonderful feeling. A feeling of inner happiness is coursing through me."

You can make up your own affirmations or you can visit the Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website at where you will find affirmations on subjects such as health, self-esteem, wealth and memory. But, a word of caution... there is a definite method for writing affirmations. If you are not aware of how to write a positive affirmation then you may do more harm than good.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Searching For Happiness

I am a musician. I have played trumpet since I was eight years old. I've played in many groups, from the beginner band I started with in elementary school to the various community bands I play with currently. I've gotten enormous personal satisfaction from playing music and intend to do so as long as I am able. One of the groups that had a huge impact on my life is the music ministry I play with at my local church. If you are musically inclined in any way, I highly recommend some participation in a music ministry at your place of worship.

The community I grew up in is medium sized. The church parish my parents belonged to as I was growing up was at the time a growing community full of energetic and eager people. I attended elementary school at the school associated with the church. Later in life, after I left the area I grew up in and then returned as an adult, I gradually started performing with the brass ensemble associated with the choir at the same church where I attended elementary school. The more I performed with this group, the more I realized the rewards I received were more than expected.

Musicians usually form camaraderie after performing in a group together for a while. It is hard for me to pinpoint exactly why that happens - I chalk it up to the common element of music. Everyone in a band plays together to produce music. Everyone plays a part - if any one part is missing, the whole suffers.

I experienced this camaraderie with the church music ministry before long. What I also experienced is the wonderful group of people associated with this ministry. In addition to the brass ensemble of five members, we have a vocal choir of 25-30 people, and five additional musicians playing piano, bass, guitar, clarinet and flute. Being a part of this group, I was instantly invited to the regular social gatherings and parties. They welcomed me with open arms. Sure, I've been part of social groups before - but the nature of these people is something I've found to be exceptional.

It seems that when you experience tough times or hardships, you really find out who your friends are. Thankfully, I haven't had a lot of really rough times in my life so far. I've found that my friends from this music ministry have been there for me when I have had moments of need. When in the process of purchasing my first home one of my friends from the music ministry actually offered me a one-day loan when my own funds for the down payment were still in the process of being cleared by the bank.

I've really admired and respected the way this group comes together in times of sorrow. Recently, the father of several members of the choir passed away. I attended the wake services and saw not only a large amount of members from the choir in attendance, but several members of the parish attending to show their love and support. That moment showed me that these people are truly family, and the bond we share is strong and enduring.

I certainly received more than I bargained for in joining this group. Little did I know that I would end up meeting the woman who eventually became my wife through this music ministry. What can I say; you meet the best people this way :) My time spent playing music with this group has given me so many blessings and I'm happy to continue making music with them for many years to come.

So there you have it I get to share my love of music with some great people each and every week. Their friendship and the music we make have provided me with a great source of happiness.

P.S. Don't think that you couldn't join a musical group if you don't play an instrument. There are plenty of choirs out there looking for singers.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pursuit of Happiness - Think It to Achieve It?

According to the field of positive psychology, the pursuit of happiness is all in your head. This concept is gaining ground and developing a following after a decade of research. The experts in this field say that learning to accentuate the positive over the negative could tip the scales.

Positive psychology is an "orientation about the way life is that focuses on a positive viewpoint," says Alex Zautra, a professor of clinical psychology at Arizona State University and leader of its Resilience Solutions Group.

Research indicates that people who adopt an optimistic outlook may be better able to deal with crisis situations. Zautra reminds us to know that we don't have to be happy all the time. Understanding that happiness and unhappiness are both essential components to a whole life can be the key to bouncing back after a tragedy.

Who's happy?

The Pew Research Center reports these statistics:

--Just a third (34%) of adults in this country say they're very happy. Another half say they are pretty happy and 15% consider themselves not too happy. These statistics have remained pretty consistent for the past 3 decades.

--Nearly half (49%) of those with an annual family income of more than $100,000 say they're very happy. By contrast, just 24% of those with an annual family income of less than $30,000 say they're very happy.

--Married people are happier than unmarried people.

--28 percent of 18-29 year olds report being very happy, making them the unhappiest of all age groups.

--38 percent of people 65 and older report being very happy, making them the happiest age group

--Married people with children are about as happy as married people without children

--Pet owners are no happier than those without pets

What's so great about optimism anyway? Well, it can improve your response after tragedy, can lessen the negativity associated with smaller letdowns, and may make you feel more fulfilled and accomplished. Experts agree that while your general outlook on life (optimistic vs. pessimistic) tends to be set by puberty, you can train yourself to become more optimistic.

So, what can you do?

Jonathan Haidt, professor of psychology at the University of Virginia offers a five-step system for realizing your pursuit of happiness:

Take a good look at yourself
Assess your personality and your coping skills. You can find a wide array of questionnaires and surveys at to help you analyze your overall happiness, optimism about the future, gratitude, and more.

Improve your attitude
Try meditating for 15 minutes a day, every day, for a month

Reach out to others
Figure out how to spend more time with your friends and family and less time at the office or by yourself.

Find a job you love
No matter what your work is, write out the ways in which your work helps people, contributes to the common good, or does something that people find pleasurable.

Do something for someone else
Join an organization that has a noble purpose. Volunteer. Share. Ask, "What can I do? How can I help?"

The pursuit of happiness doesn't have to be a struggle. Utilizing some of these tips and resources, you can train yourself to be happier, more optimistic, and lead a more fulfilling life!

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