Monday, July 18, 2005
Frog it again!
Okay, I'm frustrated with socks! I don't want to knit any more socks for awhile! I tried starting a sock from the toe end, but couldn't find a method that made me happy. How the heck do you make the beginning really neat? (Uta -- what's the 2 circular needle method??) Why did I keep getting a pointy little toe perfect for malformed pointy little ballerina feet? Top-down socks don't look like that. WAIT! DON'T TELL ME! I don't want to know about socks right now!I had an "off" weekend. I think I've been courting a flu bug or something, 'cuz I've had one of those headaches that's just behind my eyes, but won't fully materialize into a real headache. I didn't get much knitting done on current projects, but did have a good sort thru my stash basket, and actually bundled up a few odds and ends and donated them (shock!) to a couple of youngsters in my building looking for craft materials. I discovered I had a dozen skeins of cotton candy pink cotton/acrylic yarn burie
d in the very bottom of the basket, which I had forgotten about. My friend Jalka gave it to me maybe 4 years ago, something she brought or had been sent from Europe. I remember at the time I thought I would love to make myself a sweater in that beautiful soft shade of pale pink, but it was 50 gram skeins, and I wasn't sure there would be enough. So Saturday evening (while listening to Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap on CBC radio -- great show, by the way!) I took a skein of that cotton candy pink cotton/acrylic, cast on 100 stitches -- enough for a turtleneck -- and knit a half dozen inches of mindless K2 P2 ribbing just to see how far a skein would last. To my surprise, by the end of the program I had knitted a complete turtleneck and started shaping shoulders and raglan sleeves, and had barely used half a skein! Sunday I kept knitting -- in between naps, still the half-headache half-nauseated yukky feeling -- and didn't finish the first skein until nearly 4 1/2 or 5 inches down the body. It's all cables of varying lengths and widths (I figured I might as well have a little fun before I ripped it out, as I was convinced I didn't have enough yarn for what I had in mind). That kind of pattern is not economical in yarn. However, it looks like there's enough to complete a cozy turtleneck pullover after all. Unexpected pleasure, or what? If I hadn't been frustrated with socks and feeling yukky, I never would have tried it!I'm still not totally over the half-headache thing today (Scared myself looking in the mirror this morning -- I was so pale my freckles looked 3-D!), but no time to spend the day napping what with class and work. At least its sunny outside finally!